


WORK IN PROGRESS - Please understand that we are actively rewriting much of our documentation and this page is currently "under construction"; if there's anything that you'd like to see added to and/or expanded upon, please let us know by sending us a smile.

A contract represents a unit of order that defines who, what, when and how much will eventually execute and ultimately bill. This window can be accessed from the Dashboard, Contracts, AR and Log.




Across the top of the window you have a main menu that gives you access to various features.

The top half of the main part of this window are fields that represent the "header" of the contract. The fields in this portion of the contract are automatically populated (when creating a new contract) using the values specified on the Customer.

The bottom half of the window contains tabs that show the contract line item(s) and the rotation(s).


Main Menu

1 Available in Essentials and Premier 2013.
2 Available in Premier 2014; effectively replaces the Placement Summary and provides significant enhancements over it's predecessor.


Contract Header

The fields in the header (top half) of the window are automatically populated (when creating a new contract) using the defaults specified on the Customer. These fields can further be modified for circumstances where the default is not appropriate for the specific contract needs.

Invoice Type can now be changed without Correction Mode.


Contract Items

This is the working portion of the contract. One or more ContractLineItem entries are entered in order to specify the number of units to execute and/or billing lines to be created.


CS The items are what define the number of units (spots) that can and will be scheduled. The rotations are leveraged by the Log to determine which Copy can be assigned to these units.

This list is MyViews enabled.

Standard Columns

Optional Columns

Below the list are two buttons and a summary message containing total count of items and total gross amount.

See ContractLineItem.


Contract Rotations

The rotations define how Copy is attached to the individual units (spots) when locking (approving) a Log.


CS: This list is not, nor can be, MyViews enabled. This is because the order list of the rotations is of utmost importance because the determination of which Rotation can be utilized given a particular Station, length, date, time and day of week is dependent on the order of the existing list. Use the large up/down arrow buttons on the right hand portion of the list to move a highlighted rotation up/down accordingly.


CS: It is important to keep in mind that in addition to all of the parameters that are checked regarding each and every Rotation in the list, individual Copy start and end dates are also verified. If no piece of Copy is valid in a particular Rotation, even if the Rotation parameters are completely valid, the Rotation is considered invalid and the Log will continue to the next Rotation in the list for verification.

CS: Rotations can usually be modified at any time throughout the active life of a Contract. Individual Rotation items are only needed for current and future Logs; once a Log has been locked and there is no plans to reverse this, the individual Rotation is no longer necessary and potentially can be removed to reduce any possible confusion that may occur to having a large list of rotations.


Context Menu


Up/Down Buttons

The large up and down buttons located in to the right of the Rotation list are used to move individual rotations up and down in the visible (sorted) list.

The importance of the order of multiple rotations can not be overstated. To illustrate by using a specific scenario, let's say that you have a Contract that contains Copy that can run all day every day for the duration of the Contract and the Contract also contains a few pieces of Copy that runs only during "lunch time". This can be handled simply by creating a single line item on the Contract and two entries in the rotations list. One entry would be for the all day side of things containing Copy that can run the whole day for each and every day. The second entry would contain just the Copy that is valid for the "lunch hour". Here's where things get interesting...


The rotation list contains the All Day entry followed by the Lunch Hour entry.

In this configuration, each and every time that a spot (on the Log) determines which piece of Copy to choose, it will always stop at the first item in the list since it is legal for the target date, time, station, etc. In other words, the second entry will never be evaluated because the first item is always found to be valid.


The rotation list contains the Lunch Hour entry followed by the All Day entry.

When the Log attempts to determine which piece of Copy to assign, it will test the first entry. Only on the days that are valid, the time that is valid ("lunch hour") and other criteria are met will the first item be found to be valid and utilized. If it is not valid, it falls through to the next entry on the list; which, in this scenario, would be found to be valid.


New Button

The new button is used to create (add) a Rotation to the list. The new button is only available if there is existing Copy that relates to this contract.


Contract Notes

The notes tab contains a single field that provides you the ability to enter notes that will only be seen by Users. This field is never included on Confirmations, Invoices or Statements.


Additional Information

See Common UI Behaviors.
See ContractLineItem.
See Customer/Contract Scenarios.